Note: this is the documentation page of "Tracing Networks Backwards". For the draft page visit Wiki Hyperlink Game


loose thoughts: visitors liked interacting with the web interface through the joystick. The whole installation required my frequent care and attention (which I did not plan with but enjoyed): printer was jamming at almost every print, prints needed to be posted to the wall in correct order, specialities of the interface and its navigation needed some explanation and then before and after: bringing cerealbox, safe transport (for the first time), making it presentable and functioning in a 'more public' space ...
from the start this was not a group project, but in the event it was: great how I got so much help setting up and then introduced some classmates to the work who then took over and introduced their friends!


Manual of the installation

set up

Version 1 (Joystick navigation, printing over duration of 4h event): is running on few different languages and protocols.

How does it work.png

final: (upload to wiki smh failed) you can see the pdf here: graph.pdf

final graph printout