This is Sevgi typing. Today I am . But I kinda feel much much older today. My mom, Meliha, is  today. Isn't that crazy...
Currently I have  friends, it's not much but it's always enough. We love going to the cinema and this is the last movie we saw together:

Here is how many times my favorite show was played sofar: . It lasts around  seconds. You can listen to it here . It is kinda . You can listen to it . Fred gave me this link.
You could check out my Mixcloud page too, but I've listened to only  shows so far. It's not that interesting.

You are          
You were born in . Which makes you .
You are in , maybe im there too.
Your favorite color is 
Temperature today is .  it kinda feels like .
You should take a  with you.
Today up above... .
Wind speed is .
It is  % cloudy today there.
You are  meters above the sea right now.
You can see  meters far ahead clearly.
There are  people in space right now.