

⭑var / kitchen⭑

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Come and visit our new pop up restaurant "The Greasy Chip" where you can experience our delectable recipes. We are excited to introduce our new chef, Printer CP5225n2. Chef Printer combines more than 15 years of experience in fine dining with a genuine passion for digital cuisine. Get ready and start to explore more!


2 tbsp oil

1 diced onion

1 chopped chillies

9 cloves of garlic

1 thumb-sized piece of peeled ginger

2 tbsp tomato puree

1 tbsp ground coriander

2 tbsp ground cumin

1 tbsp garam masala

2 x 400g cans of chickpeas, drained

400g chopped tomatoes

100g creamed coconut

100g spinach

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Step 1: To begin, heat some oil in the pan along with the onions and chillies. Ensure to stir the pan.

Step 2: Combine the peeled garlic, ginger, pureed tomatoes and leftover oil in a blender along with the contents of the pan. Season with the herbs, spices and salt before blending the ingredients into a smooth paste.

Step 3: Heat the contents of the blender in the pan and stir. Cook for a couple of minutes.

Step 4: Add the chickpeas and tomatoes to the pan. Stir and allow to simmer for five minutes so that it can reduce.

Step 5: Heat the coconut in the pan for five minutes, maybe with a splash of water. Mix in the spinach and allow to wilt.

Step 6: Garnish with chopped coriander and a squeeze of lemon, dish up and serve with dhal or rice.

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⭑Parallels between ingredients and

feminist data centers/servers

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Recipe --- Server

The feminist server is a shared digital space for information, communication, meeting and gathering.

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Oil ---- SSH

These ingredients find an affinity as essential for smooth operation. Oil serves as a lubricant, ensuring the seamless processing of dishes, while SSH (Secure Shell) acts as a channel for remote access and management of web servers and systems.

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Onion --- tinc

Much like an onion with its concentric layers, Tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) software that operates by creating encrypted tunnels between nodes. Each layer of encryption adds a level of security, similar to how the layers of an onion provide protection to its core.

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Chillies --- Firewall

Firewalls can provide an extra amount of security for servers. They are, for some, a deterrent and for others a welcome feature. By allowing and denying communication on specific ports, a restricted environment is ensured.

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      --   --   -+++++++++++-+++++--++++ +++      
      +         --+++#--+++-+  +++-----           
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Cumin --- Encryption

Just as cumin adds depth to a dish, encryption adds complexity and security to data stored and transmitted within the feminist server. Cumin, however, is not illegal in some countries!

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  177  77      77  77111177777133222331331 
  177 7777     77  7711117177713255533332  
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Garlic --- Systemd

This is a system-wide daemon manager for Linux. It is responsible for running services in the background. Systemd can run websevers, vpns, custom code... It's versatile and thoroughly necessary.

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Ginger --- Root

Feminist servers have been known to grant all users root privileges in order to democratise the interactions on the server and allow opportunities for learning. Becoming root, which is possible in several ways, is to position oneself at the helm of the server.


Tomatoes --- Web server

Just as a tomato forms the core of many dishes, a web server acts as the backbone of online communication and information dissemination. Both are essential components that provide substance and sustenance.


Chickpeas --- apt

The parallel between chickpeas and apt (Advanced Package Tool) lies in their roles as essential components that facilitate growth and development within their respective domains.


Coconut ------ Text editor

Coconuts are not everyone's taste. However, they are paramount for ensuring a creamy texture. Likewise, people have different text editor preferences.

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Spinach --- Aliases

Aliases are useful substitutes for lengthy commands which are difficult to remember or cumbersome to type. They might be deployed in order to foreground the default terminology of the command line. In some shells there is a dedicated file for aliases but it's optional.

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Lemon Juice --- Availability

Lemon adds a burst of tangy freshness to dishes, the availability of a feminist server injects vitality and dynamism into the digital landscape. It serves as a platform where marginalized voices can be heard, be exchanged, and activism can flourish.

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Coriander --- Community Guidelines

Coriander, with its distinctive flavor, can be divisive. Community guidelines aim to maintain a positive and constructive atmosphere within online communities. Such guidelines express the different rules for such communities. Some of these guidelines may not go down well with certain people.

⭑Secret cooking steps! :)

heat oil

chopped chillies

dice onions

heat chillies

heat onions


combine pan

peel ginger

combine ginger

peel garlic

combine garlic

puree tomatos

combine tomatos

combine spices

combine herbs

combine salt


heat blender

chop tomatoes

fry tomatoes

drain chickpeas

fry chickpeas


cream coconut

heat coconut

heat spinach




This lovely cooking zine was designed and printed by Michel M.H. Wang.

Texts by Riviera Taylor, Ziheng Wang and Michel M.H. Wang.

TPublished at XPUB Studio, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, in March, 2024.

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