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Like many people in the creative industry I have a different cv and biography depending on the project I'm doing and the funding application I'm applying for. But I generally have an interest in archives, media theory, storytelling and writing. (Knowledge production, how do we learn collectivelly and the like...)
During the semester one of the projects I worked is:

  • Called Sick Host and can be found here. It ferments on what it means to have a techo-social practice of hosting while being ill.

As I didn't use much of the project to show the source that have anchor me, I'm leaving some of them here:

  • "A [physical, social, infrastructural…] body is a thing that needs" – Johanna Hedva, To Those Mad, Sick, Crip Selves
  • "Sickness, in general, is parasitic." - Michel Serres, The Parasite
  • "What is a parasite? An operator, a relation. This simple arrow intercepts. It intercepts organic messages in a living system, Noise, perhaps, but language as well, often living. All doctors have the same profession, we see. Let them speak, cut, give injections... they live and eat from the same profession. What is a parasite? A deviation, minimal to begin with, that can remain so until it disappears or that can grow until it transforms a physiological order into a new order. All sickness, all medicine, is parasitic in this new way." - Michel Serres, The Parasite
  • "Pravda je kao zdravlje, misliš o njoj kad je nema, i zaista je neodređena, ali je možda najviše želja da se udavi nepravda, a ona je vrlo određena. Svaka nepravda je jednaka, a čovjeku se čini da je najveća koja je njemu učinjena. A ako mu se čini, onda i jeste tako, jer se ne može misliti tuđom glavom." - Meša Selimović, Derviš i Smrt
  • " A feminist server… * Takes the risk of exposing her insecurity * Tries hard not to apologize when she is sometimes not available" - A FEMINIST SERVER MANIFESTO 0.01
A pack of bulls in autumn nature standing as if their posing for an indie rock band photo a dithered, lightweigth image of a kitchen from presumably the 1960s a dithered, lightweigth image of an old door from presumably the 1970s a dithered, lightweigth image of an old door from presumably the 1970s a dithered, lightweigth image of a table with flowers and trinkets a dithered, lightweigth image of a sink a dithered, lightweigth image of people talking chatting and presumably having a good time. The person in the back seems to be carrying a slight drunk man away a dithered, lightweigth image of a female-presenting person on a phone a dithered, lightweigth image of graasy lawn filled with flowers here and there

All of these images were created to be light weight, they were dithered using ImageMagick.