Text provided by: Editorial Services LTD
Members: Maria - Zuzu - Victor - Mania - Bernadette Website by Zuzu

Editorial Services LTD is...?

TheAQUARIUM RECORDS CENTER is a collection of important detritus of the work of Editorial Services LTD, a supporter of the construction of the Aquarium, where all the curious goldfish can see these glittering objects scattered amongst the reef.

From the depths of the corporate world, bringing efficiency, ease-of-use and scalability to the tips of your fingers, Editorial Services LTD come to offer you their exclusive, but also limited, editorial services. Covering at least five languages, working collaboratively and independently at the same time, we are masters in our field and aspire to lift your texts, visual graphics and webpages to unprecedented heights, and with them the price of our stock. Why do we do it? To express our passion for editing and for the money, of course.

Tone: / strict / welcoming / enthusiastic / humoristic / corporate / kind | form: dialogue / script / list /

Contents Methods can always be changed to meet different needs, therefore this code of conduct is never finished

To which activities does this Code apply?

-knowledge building and sharing -editorial services provided -dunch -mapping and/or counter-mapping - brainstorms -collaboratively annotating

To whom does this Code apply?

These codes of conduct may apply to anyone who may engage in and/or interact with Editorial Services LTD


1. Honesty vulnerability
2. Scrupulousness / leaving room for engagement and experimentation
3. Transparency
4. Interdependence
5. Collective responsibility
6. Collaboration
7. Make it enjoyable
8. Curiosity
9. Process-oriented approach
10. Welcoming learning environment / inclusivity
11. Be respectful
12. Try to stay enthusiastic
Harassment is not tolerated in any form
Adjusting the rules if needed --> methods can always be changed to meet different needs

Standards for good editorial practices

- Acceptable formats: all, including images, maps, sounds

- Fabrication is part of the editorial process

Reporting results
- Part of internal communications, in the form of chit-chat

Assessment and peer review
- All decisions are collaborative, thus assessment and review happens simultaneously with getting the job done

- Clear, inclusive, respectful

Standards that are applicable to all phases of research
- Loving each other

Institutions’ duties of care

Training and supervision
- Abolish power structures and hierarchies

Editorial culture
- All suggestions are valid and valuable
- Ask questions
- Answer questions
- Let questions remain unanswered
- Let answers remain unquestioned
- Experiments are very welcome, even if they fail spectacularly
- If you find something difficult, you can try first and then give up with peace of mind.

Data management
- The pad manages all and we all manage the pad

Publication and dissemination
- Word of mouth, wiki, hub, print, plot

Ethical norms and procedures
- Don't be an asshole
- Listen actively and attentively
- See each other
- People feel safe to express themselves and participate and stay silent
- Share what you've got
- Feel free to ask for help

Non-compliance with standards: measures and sanctions

Research misconduct, questionable research practices and minor shortcomings
- You have to make your own tea for a day

Sanctions and other measures
- Stand alone in the corner ----nooooooooooo
- Economic sanctions/boikott

Complaints and investigations
- We use a microscope for thorough investigation and complaints are protocolled and thrown in the bin, except if valid. In the latter case, we discuss over drinks and food and then throw in the bin.

Methods for Collaborative Editing

Misplaced concretism and concrete situations:

In the text Misplaced concretism and concrete situations: Feminism, Method, and Information Technology, by Susan Leigh Star (2016), thematics such as feminist methodology, communities of practice and boundary objects are explored. The text can be a bit challenging to follow as the author invents and builds upon different terms. Our task was to extracts some keywords and then elaborate on these as entries for the word quilt. In this process we have discussed extracts, written and re-written, in order to explore the text´s matter in our context. From this process some Methods for collaborative editing and writing has been at the core of this process, that resulted in drafts regarding the chosen keywords (methods, Boundary Objects and Communities of practice), still questions remain unanswered.

Selected fragments from the text: Method

Susan Leigh Star, 1994


  • "Distinct from a recipe or a formula," it's more of an approach rather than an exact way of achieving something.
  • "It is a real-time, lived, and experiential form of ordering practice." It is situated.
  • "Method is a way of surviving experience." [p. 148] [or experiment]
  • "Methods considered in this fashion may have many of the features of surviving experience, depending on the values of the community using them: they can become imperialistic or monolithic (if one only has a hammer, the world becomes a nail, etc.); they can become a means of enforcing fundamentalism (reducing the world to that which can be perceived using the method); or they can become ways of encompassing multiplicity, complexity, and ambiguity." [p. 148]
  • "Feminism as a method thus creates robust findings through the articulation of multiplicity, contradiction, and partiality, while standing in a politically situated, moral collective." [p. 149]

Attributes of feminist method:

  1. Experiential and collective basis;
  2. Processual nature;
  3. Honoring contradiction and partialness;
  4. Situated historicity with great attention to detail and specificity; and
  5. The simultaneous application of all of these points." [p. 149]

Patti Lather: transgressive validity - where after poststructuralism, can we find validity? ironic validity (problematizes the single voice, realist representation of nature); paralogical validity (emphasizes paradox and heterogeneity); rhizomatic validity (undermines the taken-for-granted and keeps opening up new ways of situated seeing); voluptuous validity (precisely goes too far, and joins ethics and epistemology) [p. 149 f.]

"The truth is not one thing." It's complex, woven carpet, with each strand a partial truth.

A boundary object

Our definition:

A boundary object can challenge common norms and standards. Different methods can apply to these objects depending on the knowledge, interests and viewpoints of the groups (or individuals) approaching them. Different communities of practice have vastly different methodologies when dealing with these boundary objects. An example of such an object could be a dead bird seen from the viewpoint of an amateur ornithologist or a biologist. In this example the ornithologists (a community of practice) might want to preserve the birds appearance to admire it, and has certain methods for this. Whilst the biologists (another community of practice) might want to dissect the bird to learn more about it. A boundary object (can be abstract or concrete) and is not just an object, but a community of practices* as well as "stuff and things, tools and techniques, and ideas, stories, and memories" that comprise many different and maybe contrasting methodologies, and it is open enough that it can include even the smallest groups and approaches. Collaboration and communication are core functions of the boundary object, since it facilitates both and opens a dialogue that can lead to a better and wider understanding of the object at hand. In this sense, a boundary object can be also seen as a piece of information serving different communities in various ways and allows them to embrace collaborative work.


reading the text on the keyword "Space" from Kelly Fritsch — Keywords for radicals

physical social (domestic/private) political-juridical (citizenship, human/civil rights) discursive (what can and cannot safely be said/thought)


political power of physical space

with events like the Arabic Spring (Tahrir Square, Gezi Park) and Occupy Movement (Zuccotti Park), the space/place itself has become a symbol of a movement. "space" essential mediation of politics and an unmediated object of political struggle phenomenological and political attachment to those spaces

the notion of a "safe space" going beyond a physical space, derived from LGBTQ, feminists, anti-racist and other activist communitites.
space is not a mere container or reflection of social relations, its something people create. in relation to the Paris Commune Lefebvre and Situationists insist on the dialectical relationship between space and society and the fundamental role played by the production of space in social and political life some infos about Paris Commune Paris Commune: 18th March 1871 to 28th May 1871 refused to accept the authority of the Third Republic, instead attempting to establish an independent government, aiming for a progressive, anti-religious system of their own self-styled socialism
the triad... concept coined by Lefebvre conceived space: crearted and imagined by urban planners. lived space: individual subjected to experience perceived space:
"urban" as social space social totality: consisting of global, lived, mediating levels = The Right to the City: how social totality can be interpreted according to the paradigm you want to follow (I find it interesting that the "mediating level" is actually a dynamic (urbanization, production level) = seeing these "levels" as organic and changing relations is in line with philosophical views [and to be more precise with Hegel, and phenomenological concepts] that place emphasis on the movement and the relationship between eg. the self and the other, as a space of special significance, where everything happens) keywords: occupy, claiming, spatial event, dialectical relationship, production of space, autogestion, spatiality of politics. I also found the opening line significant: "the mediation of politics by space", while usually we have the tendency to think the other way round (how politics mediate space)
In my imagination the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word space, is the notion of physical space. I experience that this text seeks to expand on the understanding of what space is and can be, and challenge the relation between society and space. This way it is possible harness the potency of space and utilize it as a tool for activism. In order to expand on the concept of space it is useful to understand what meanings it can assume. The different forms of space according to Kanishka Goonewardena are: physical space (the body, bedroom, neighborhood etc.) social space (domestic space, work space, public and private etc.), political-juridical space (citizenship, human/civil rights etc.), and discursive space (what can and cannot safely be said, even thought). The author draws upon other movements and thinkers. One of the ideas advocated by both Lefebvre and the situationists is to "reject the conception of space as a mere container or reflection of social relations. Instead they insist on the dialectical relationship between space and society and the fundamental role played by the production of space in social and political life." Another thinker that is mentioned is Marxist critic Fredric Jameson, who make claims regarding the relation between space adm politics in the time of late capitalism . And states that "postmodern politics is essentially a matter of land grabs, on local as well as global scale" — this is why it makes sense and is important to claim and expand upon the concept of space as a tool for activism.
The text weaves together physical, social, political, and discursive aspect of space, questioning who has a right to the city, to the ways to gather past and envision new form of noticing and participation. According to Lefebvre and Situationists, space is not a container or reflection, but rather focus on a relation between space and society. What I find really interesting is how we witness the space with our bodies. Despite association with the everyday I find it realted to the Lefebvre´s “lived space” that is shaped by the individual subjective experience. The ability to move through or around the space makes us not only the observers but also an active witnesses. And that thought takes me back to the notion of commoning, mentioned in a text, as a practice of collaborating and sharing to meet everyday needs.

What is the relation of "space" to our SI23?

relationships quilting: the connections and interweaving between our individual digital spaces interacting collectively in a dynamic way the production of space and the meaning that space carries web space / didital space / place to have connections with others quilt is like a map - relates to space as well



Imaginary definition

Traffic congestion that makes drivers and commuters secretly think about revolting against clocks and labor systems. It is often accompanied by indigestion, regardless of how much or what has been consumed, but studies have been inconclusive regarding the cause of this acute reaction. It has been suggested that it's the result of a discomforting combination of extended vehicular queueing and compulsive as well as untimely consumption of food, beverages, and useless goods and services. There have been reports of chain barfing in long traffic lines but they are unverified and the phenomenon is considered an urban myth by many sceptics. However, autogestion is taken seriously by the authorities, who try to find workarounds and give incentives to the labor force to prevent it from thinking while commuting or in general.

Actual Definition

(a) Workers' self-management. It includes workers' collectives and cooperatives and it is connected to syndicalism. Classical economic philosophers, such as Stuart Mills (liberal) and Karl Marx noted the efficiency of the model. Funnily enough, while Mills believed that companies run by autogestion would eventually displace capital-managed firms, Marx didn't.
(b) (The construction of) a self-managed economy. Closely connected to the notion of social democracy, autogestion in this context aims at building an economic system that will avoid the inequalities, irrationalities and crises created by capital- and profit-driven economic models.

Where we came across it in its mundane sense

Mentioned in Kanishka Koonewardena's essay "Space" (in Keywords for Radicals).

John used to be a successful man. And that made him happy. Success, in the way he had learned it by his father and his father's father, was what he had aimed for since he was a kid. His purpose in life was to gain wealth: He bought houses, cars, huge televisions. And while all this was making him happy, one day, after a very heavy supper he had the night before, he woke up with a dreadful realization: As he owned his things, the company he worked for owned him: His time, his energy, his thoughts. Suddenly, John understood the true meaning of corporate property.




Go away green (also knowns as no-see-um-green) and bye bye blue (also blending blue) are colors popularized by its (dis)appearance Disney Land, where they are used to obfuscate the non-attractive(attractions) infrastructures. Lamp-posts, loudspeakers, vents and fences are amongst the things that are painted these colors in order to blend in, much like military camouflage. [So that the guests don't question the illusion, but rather blissfully and oblivious go on spending their money.] These colors also have proven useful(to governemnts and big tech maybe?) to conceal the digital infrastructure around us. We have been told that the cloud is infinite, omnipotent and immaterial. Yet enormous amounts of nature succumb at the hand(arm?) of bulldozers and excavators to facilitate data-centres, and as to add insult to injury painted to drown in the ruins(of nature). If you want to read more about these colors you can check out this wikipedia article:


Hi! Welcome to our feminist data center. Just like any data center, it is a physical location containing infrastructure related to computing, such as servers, data storage drives (and the data these include), and network equipment. In contrast to the usual data center, our feminist data center emphasizes social relations, is aware of its surrounding environment and actively tries to support instead of destroy it. Our practices are sustainable, transparent and community- instead of profit-driven. The community around it is served by the sharing of knowledge, and the well-being of its (wo)manpower is prioritized over the data-center's efficiency.

The "Feminist datacenter (maybe a cooler name is cooler)" is a place for connections and comfort. It transcends the division between human and tool, and reimagines the datacenter as a space where people and technologies come together in empathetic symbiosis, a community. Situated in the heart of Charlois, it acknowledges it's context by making itself visible (and) it's intentions clear(with a temper), (and it's footprint minimal). So please come and engage in the maintenance and building of this community, we trust you! So do you trust us?

Make yourself comfortable! You are in a feminist data center, this place that often remains invisible is part of the infrastructure that underlies our online interactions. Drawing attention to materiality and real socio-economic implications, we would like to welcome you in our corners. As a feminist data center, we redefine what it means to be a good host and we challenge the relation between the server and a client. This relationship is based on trust, kindness and active work to make this space more inclusive. Make yourself at home

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Hi! Welcome to our feminist data center. Make yourself at home! The "Feminist datacenter (maybe a cooler name is cooler)" is a place for connections and comfort and although it often remains invisible, it's part of the infrastructure that underlies our online interactions: Just like any data center, it is a physical location containing all things related to computing, such as servers, data storage drives (and the data these include), and network equipment. Drawing attention to materiality and real socio-economic implications, we would like to welcome you in our corners. Our feminist data center transcends the division between human and tool, emphasizes social relations and reimagines the datacenter as a space where people and technologies come together in empathetic symbiosis -- a community. As a feminist data center, we redefine what it means to be a good host and challenge the relation between server and client. We are aware of our surrounding environment, while our practices are sustainable, transparent and community- instead of profit-driven: The community is served by the sharing of knowledge, and the well-being of our (wo)manpower is prioritized over efficiency. This relationship is based on trust, kindness and active work to make this space more inclusive. Situated in the heart of Charlois, it acknowledges it's context by making itself visible (and) it's intentions clear(with a temper), (and it's footprint minimal). So please come and engage in the maintenance and building of this community, we trust you! So do you trust us?


In the rant about technology, Ursula K. Leguin wants to challenge how main-stream discourses understands technology. She makes a point that in these discourses (related to hard/non-hard sci-fi) seem to neglect the fact that technology not only entails the high-tech, but also the non-high-tech like clothes, paper or language. A point made in the text is that "technology is how a society copes with physical reality", and this coping may entail the clothes that you wear in order to fit in at the new school, or the phone you use to call your loved ones in another country. In other words technology permeates every aspect of life in a (modern) society to some extent. This blurring between the lines of what is our material world and what is not (in the western late capitalist techno-scientific paradigm), resonates with Donna Harraways articulation of the cyborg in the "a cyborgs manifesto". The myth of the cyborg is used to challenge boundaries between human-animal human(/animal)-machine and ultimately physical-and non physical, which is propelled by (cybernetic) technologies. Again there is this sentiment that expanding our understanding of what technology is, and can be, and how it mediates our material, social and political reality is fundamental in a feminist approach to the cultural understanding of technology.

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By working with maps refering to the surroundinigs of the data center as well as abstract maps we point that an alternative feminist data- center is not isolated from our everyday actions. It Acknowledges its role within a broader context, exposes vulnerability, challenges the conditions of serving. Our reimagine data center unveil the processes, tools, and sources aiming for seamfullness.


Murtaugh, M. (2021). Torn at the seams: vernacular approaches to teaching with computational tools. [online] Available at: Fritsch, Kelly, O'Connor, Clare, Thompson (1976), Keyywords for Radicals Star, S.L. (1994) Misplaced Concretism and Concrete Situations: Feminism, Method, and Information Technology. In: Bowker, G. et al. (eds) Boundary objects and beyond: working with Leigh Star. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press (Infrastructures series). Smith, David Woodruff (2003): Phenomenology. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Online. URL: Vergunst, Jo (2018b): Phenomenology of space and the environment, in: The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, S. 1–6. Doi:10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea2012.