Property:Behaviour to avoid

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 2 pages using this property.
Please avoid posting many pieces of art/media all at once. Sticking to one post per ten minutes (with one-four pictures attached) is a good baseline to follow.  +, Please do not flood the local timeline. We define "flooding" as posting three or more times per five minutes to the local/public timeline (but the definition is flexible; judgements on what is "flooding" or not will be made in context). Flooding drowns out other users and annoys instances we federate with.  +
Bringing pets hasn't historically been a serious problem, but it not always considered excellent.  +, Try to keep infodumps to new acquaintances to under a few minutes. Many people at Noisebridge are walking libraries on their field of expertise, but people rarely like being fed a textbook through their ears.  +