CSS color table being used

* = Gold

h1, a = Sienna

h2 = AquaMarine

h3 = DarkSlateGray

body = SlateBlue

hr = SteelBlue

background = Silver



What is inside a computer? What kind of metals?

"The Raw Materials Begin with Silica Sand. Starting with the obvious is silicon dioxide, which is mined from the earth as Silica sand or quartz from locations like Cape Flattery in Australia. It is among the most plentiful elements on Earth, and is used in a massive array of products: it’s one of three key ingredients in ferro-concrete (used in the majority of global construction projects), it’s used for glassmaking, chemical production, metal production, paints and coatings, water production, as proppant (frac sand) for oil and gas recovery, for solar panels and for computer electronics.From Sand to Microchips and Memory Cards: The Integrated Circuits of CPUs, GPUs, and RAMSilicon is derived from quartzite, which is mined from the Earth in various locations at various purities. Quartz is melted and crystalized by seed crystals, pulled out into a long cylinder and cut by diamond saw into wafers, which are distributed to various “fabs” (factories) for making different computer components, including those for making SSD memory,..."*

Is there a difference between a server and a desktop computer?


Why are motherboards green?


What is silicon?



Over 50 elements of the periodic table are being used for creating electronic hardware.*

Look around you. Do you have a pen and paper nearby? If you don't have any supplies, viualize it in your mind. Use the grey or blue sky as your greenscreen. Draw a line. A long line. It doesnt have to be very neat. Make another long line. Pay attention to every line you draw. Start making a grid. Make the grid big. Make a row of 18 squares. Line by line. Dubble this row in paralell. Line by line. We are going to make a big grid with many boxes. Line by line. If you have the space, make more lines. Line by line. Until you have reached a grid of 9x18 boxes.

Empty reqtangles.

Look at what you have drawn. Be it in your mind or on some paper. What could these boxes be? Emptiness within lines. Let's put something in it. Fill every square with any element you know. If you know the abbreviation of it, write it down too. Think about the elements. Which elements are surrounding you? Fill this grid with every information you know.


*Raw materials


***Green motherboard

****Silicon Wiki