Preparing the weekly release as one audio file

A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.


FFmpeg is a command line tool for working with audio and video formats. You can use it to do a whole range of things, it comes with a lot of detailed settings and options.

This is an example of how you can use FFmpeg to convert a mp4 video file into an avi file.

$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi

You can use FFmpeg on the soupboat, where it is installed with sudo apt install ffmpeg; or you can install it on your own computer, in which case you can find installation instructions here:

When you are planning to FFmpeg often and specially to work with bigger files, it is recommended to install it on your own computer.

From wav to mp3

Many of the recording devices save audio as wav files. This is a high quality audio file format, which is too heavy to use on the web and most browsers will not play it in a webpage. \ So we will convert the audio files into a compressed audio format, that is supported by all browsers: mp3.

To convert a wav file into a mp3 file, you can use the following FFmpeg command:

You can specify more options to convert your file with a specific codec or quality, set the number of channels and select a bit rate. \ See the command below, and this page for more information:


From aiff to mp3

Hide "WARNING: library configuration mismatch"

Add -hide_banner to your ffmpeg commands, to avoid getting the [warning] messages in your output.

Generating playlist.txt

To start making a single audio file of all the recordings, we will first make a playlist.txt file.

To do this, we will use the concatenate function of FFmpeg. The following examples come from this page:

We will only search for all the mp3 files in the ./samples/ folder:

See if it worked:

Remove the file playlist.txt if you want to overwrite it and make a whole new one with:

Concatenating release.mp3

Now we will use the playlist.txt file to generate a single audio file, using FFmpeg's concat, which is the command for concatenating.

Remove the file release.mp3 before you make a new one with:

Check the format, encoder, bitrate, and channels of your audio file