Create another simple function, along the lines of sign() and gender(), that classifies its argument into one of a small number of categories, such as three. You are encouraged to select categories creatively and are required to keep the program very short (ten lines or less). Try to determine some interesting categories that can be easily discerned by a computer, based on what you know about computation so far. For instance, while it may be interesting to distinguish prime numbers and composite numbers, we have not discussed (and are not going to discuss, in this book) how to determine whether or not a number is prime. So it would probably be a better idea to determine a simpler type of categorization, perhaps based on whether a value is, for instance, equal to some meaningful value or not or whether it is greater than such a value. You could examine words using len(), to see if they are short, of medium length, or long, or you could determine whether numbers are even or odd. If you find yourself writing an elaborate test, choose something simpler to categorize!