Cross-Making v.1.0

From Dear (Cross) Maker,
Revision as of 12:15, 7 June 2023 by Supi (talk | contribs)
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Envelope no. Module Category Letter Description
1 1 Open letter Dear Maker Open letter to makers
2 2 Onboarding Dear Future Cross-Maker Introduction to the training program
3 3 Warm-Up Dear Athlete Description of cross-training in the sports domain
4 4 Stretching Dear Graphic Designer Description of cross-training in the creative domain
5 5 Orientation Dear Cross-Maker-in-Training Detail of the 'Cross-Making' program
6 Training Dear (Dis)Assembler Exercise #1
7 Dear Sketcher Exercise #2
8 Dear Folder Exercise #3
9 Dear Sculptor Exercise #4
10 Dear Pusher Exercise #5
11 Dear Clicker/Typer Exercise #6
12 6 Cool-Down Dear Cross-Maker Learnings and takeaways