Dear Player, The Crossword Imaginary Grid Game found you for a reason.
The aim of this game is
to create a crossword
grid with your hands
and explore a part
of the Glossary
of Productive Play.
There is a printed grid
for you here, but if you
want more, visit the
website of this
Special Issue.
Take some time (leisure
or productive?), place
the pieces on a surface,
on a wall, on your bed,
on your cat's body..
and start playing!
Position the coded
papers to recreate
the grid. Follow
the following scheme
for every category:
I know it might sound complicated now, but I promise you that you will understand how to make it work while playing.
There are four things you have to keep attention to while creating the grid:
1. A code (e.g. B7), composed of a letter and a number, defines the position in the imaginary grid.
2. The papers with the clues are not to be used during the grid's construction.
3. A content category gathers all the definitions that are part of the same crossword (e.g. loot box).
4. The papers having
the same code
could represent
an intersection or
the presence of two
definitions, one
going down and the
other across.
Find out which is which!
If you don't know the word, don't stress yourself out: these crosswords are meant to teach while having fun.
Yes, you heard that well, you are experiencing Productive Play! Enjoy the time you are taking for yourself! It's okay not to finish it, it's okay to give up, it's okay to still be happy with it.
And if you are really unsatisfied, just call some friends and have some fun together!
Remember, these are
just instructions not
to get lost. But it's
okay to get lost.
Get lost sometimes.
J1 Loot Box
K1 Loot Box
L1 Loot Box
M1 Loot Box
J1 Loot Box
The price given to
objects to be acquired, produced, maintained, or accomplished.
L4 Loot Box
L5 Loot Box
L6 Loot Box
L7 Loot Box
L8 Loot Box
L9 Loot Box
L10 Loot Box
L11 Loot Box
L12 Loot Box
L4 Loot Box
Available to only a few
people because users
have a limited time
frame to obtain the
loot box.
J1 Loot Box
J2 Loot Box
J3 Loot Box
J4 Loot Box
J5 Loot Box
J6 Loot Box
J7 Loot Box
J8 Loot Box
J9 Loot Box
J10 Loot Box
J11 Loot Box
J1 Loot Box
Something that is
considered valuable
because kept as part
of a group of
similar objects.
R2 Loot Box
R3 Loot Box
R4 Loot Box
R5 Loot Box
R6 Loot Box
R7 Loot Box
R8 Loot Box
R9 Loot Box
R10 Loot Box
R2 Loot Box
That causes a strong
and harmful need to
regularly have or
do something.
N7 Loot Box
N8 Loot Box
N9 Loot Box
N10 Loot Box
N11 Loot Box
N12 Loot Box
N7 Loot Box
Something given or received in return or compensation for service, merit, hard work, etc.
G3 Loot Box
G4 Loot Box
G5 Loot Box
G6 Loot Box
G7 Loot Box
G8 Loot Box
G9 Loot Box
G10 Loot Box
G3 Loot Box
Something unexpected.
P5 Loot Box
P6 Loot Box
P7 Loot Box
P8 Loot Box
P9 Loot Box
P10 Loot Box
P11 Loot Box
P12 Loot Box
P5 Loot Box
The investment will probably not come back, which makes paying for the content of a loot box not just buying but...
G10 Loot Box
H10 Loot Box
I10 Loot Box
J10 Loot Box
K10 Loot Box
L10 Loot Box
M10 Loot Box
N10 Loot Box
O10 Loot Box
P10 Loot Box
Q10 Loot Box
R10 Loot Box
G10 Loot Box
When a company
is taking unfair or
unethical advantage
of a person or a
situation for profit.