My fascination with butterflies started 2017 summer in Arnhem. I was visiting the Netherlands for the first time to see my friend, while thinking of studying here(there). During this trip, as my friend loves animals, we went to the Burger Zoo together. And that’s how I entered the butterfly garden for the first time.

The moment I stepped in, I was in full shock. I just stood there, mesmerized by the dozens of butterflies fluttering around me. As big as fists and as light as disposable tissues. Like the ones you blow your nose at. Moving as if they are not bound to the concept of time. Moving around so easily, pushing the air so effortlessly with elegance.

While preparing for the graduation show, this memory sprung up again. Ah-ha! Perfect excuse to dive into this fascination. But what if it had a slight twist? Like... butterflies with QR codes!?

I mean, imagine people chasing QR code butterflies with their smartphones. Just picturing them awkwardly chasing and trying to scan the fleeting butterflies tickled my brain and made me laugh.

Starting with the butterfly toy (image pop up) brought from Korea as a reference, I decided to reverse engineer this toy. How hard could it be?

Well, as a person who knows very little about programming languages and has almost zero background in electronics,
the making process of this QR code butterfly was continuous , and above all, it was such a slow process.
But the day had come. It took A WHILE, but I finally checked all the .


Well, this was what I got...

NO.This was not what I wanted. The gap between how I imagined and what was in front of me was too brutal.

Running too powerfully through DC motors, making so much noise, far from elegant, taking all the spaces and attentions, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. SCREAMING. LOOOOOOK ATTTTTT MEEEEEEEE.

They cannot be too big because then it’s too heavy. They cannot be too small; otherwise, it’s impossible to scan the QR. They cannot be as light as disposable tissues because then they're too droopy. Moving around so poorly, or barely moving. IF moving, then with too much power, too much effort, too vigorously, and too loudly.

I hated it.

But I notice my laugh. Laughter is a good sign in my practice. I wonder, What triggered my involuntary, genuine laugh? Maybe there is something there. But first I must let go of my memory, my vision, and my starting point. And look carefully at what is in front of me.

I am not done with these QR code butterflies. There are too many loose ends. There are still too many things to try out and understand. Maybe more butterflies will come. But for sure I’ll keep this monstrous butterfly. Because there is something that intrigues me. Something… Something I can’t pinpoint yet.