hello hello no no I said yes and he said no don't have enough space in the computer thank you there's no space in your computer I think it's also the computer try to talk to us yeah sentences how like you give some part of your straight to computer we just say make a red button and the cold yeah it's so we can use our own thank you hello maybe we use only one computer to register all 2 yeah yeah yeah maybe like what I say is recorded here ok great great do we start again we start again do yeah so how the computer speak to us we ended the statement that we developed a very this balanced relationship with computers but on the other hand do we have two relationship whether to have a relationship with the cup it does what you needed to do so is it bad or good or even meaningful whatever relationship with help with computers that's a very interesting question that you mate and also bit the provocative yeah it seems like we're much more connected with the computer or I can speak for myself because it's it's like it's not just a user logs look like a cup it's like a window too many things and also to relationship with other people I like that it's a winner the many things too many social things also silver too I kinda get the full familiar and also and one balance relationship with them yeah well your name will the vs developer folder order cannot say the computer talk to us but when you think about artificial intelligence it's not the developer who control every word it's the analysis of the database so because somehow he tried to tell us something like using the the text generator like yeah I can be also the what computer try to talk to us I don't know because it only took within the framework of what you thought it to talk about like and also it's a simulation of talking back because it's can make sentences and sometimes really insane ones but it doesn't have I think it's called whatever it's called a general intelligence because it can make a sentence but it like when we're talking to each other you know that a room is smaller than a house or that the rain is wet or the 3 is part of a forest and so on with the computer doesn't know it unless you teach it to only can simulate speech with guns think for itself yet like it's a window well it's the winner of the decorated ourselves but in a way it's also kind of a mirror because what we made over the salsa reflection of what we are and what people end up buying or just like it's a window which is a mirror hello also I understand that you have a bit of tension about this things is it because you're working on their dangerous tree and the like you're single like the influence that the corporations well that's something I believe about the world but I think I also I'm sceptical of remind to sizing things when making things out for what they are not like I think it's fun to think about the meaning of her relationship with computers but it would be natural to me to give them personality or well they don't have it if you know what I mean about the meal yeah no mirror mirror yeah yeah baby just computer-human do but baby human also resist imitate what the parents do and what relevance do so hello hello computer try to talk to us or not the computer is not talk to us but as human meat just imitate our parents or the friends also so there's I don't see there is so much so much difference between human and the computer just yeah yeah yeah you're coming from but is a child you'll also learn not only from what your parents tell you to your seller and some things that your parents don't want you to know like how to swear all that you're going to be angry sometime so whatever and you're also learning from all sorts of other people and things around you welcome to learn only very specific things that you want them to learn so they don't just look at you like all you've been I don't know hitting the table because you're angry at me now don't learn it unless you tell that to them I see the analogy and there is some new ones to it to think but I think you ask very good question like in which ways do we imitate computers the way they imitate us yes just a question like in which way do we imitate computers because they made us or we tell them to meet us in which way do we make computers computer is that we feel and will learn also by emotions like if we if you like if your child and you put your hand in the fire you from because we have a body that feels I've seen the experiment with digital versions of the roadworks like you create a creature out of four lines sort of like two legs and head or whatever and you just let it for Thailand ever learn how to walk so like a few fling that's like there or you just fall if you do this then you fall and that is also learning the way this machine learning is based on how we learn by trying things out failing and then just figuring it out however our brains are so much more complex because we not only learn how to work but like how to do all these things how to have this conversation how to want things not sure where I'm going with this when you said that the children are turning on like that reminds me of computers learning as well but it's like a like people I want to create something and can try to make a human's like trying to find all the time but it's not something organic organic think that someone is behind and tries to programs if you the Goulding is like like the most advanced algorithm for learning that we have now it's the machine learning which is based on how we learn the neural networks but if you dig into my closest scientific discovery so much of it is actually in the end inspired by nature and what evolved naturally so like their new plane to being developed which would use more of the paragliding technique that birds use oral exam you materials the sticky ones are based on gecko sticks its paws to the wall but if you think about her nature evolved that is the machine learning or the principle of trial and error in its own as well but we haven't yet invented like new unique things because everything is based on something that we already did or something that nature did before again not tell but we can't because our perception is limited life example of shrimp or some other crazy shrimp it's can change its colour but it also can change its colour which is not visible to ask you man I and I can imagine that there exists a colour that we cannot see but I cannot imagine a colour it's so so something radical would be something that you cannot imagine but this is the Paradox Finglas gave up and stopped human tendency to humanize things we have the human tendency to sort of human eyes things RC faces and everywhere like you see you all these pictures and names of a top with two buttons and she eyes but the same applies to humanizing computers as well like oh it's slow today or it's it's not in the mood to cover rates but it's funny how you which words used to describe which are pretty humanized and also loads of comments that says that that there is always there for us like it is yeah but it's weird like if it's kind of the dynamic that you said before that we want we have something that is always there for us and always have to work and be fast and the create as many possibilities as we can imagine say I got stuck on the part of a sentence about always there for us and reminded me of a piece of Electro had when I was still studying the topic was how the senses are involved when your interacting with objects and the lecture was saying that will are mobile phones you're actually very intimate with it you hold it in your hand you could be close to your body you caress it when you scroll and like you're very careful around it which is a very intimate interaction with basically an object which is a computer yes we have to remember that they're designed for certain reasons a mobile phone Android it's like the safe of your hand and it was designed for being like something very close to you and also I think it's that with other people and also that like at yours I said oh yeah I was just working on something related to that for a client of ours making infographic about future of education and it's basically transforming before it was basically well here you so down you listen you memorize stuff and education but no you need you can find everything online so it's not about memorizing things but about learning how to learn and learning how to find your way to solve the problem how to judge if the information is high quality how to make ethical decisions so that is the Education I want to stop this early again it's not bad that it's not about memorizing things because well we don't like what's the capital of Zimbabwe yeah I don't know but it's more evolving towards how to operate with all this information how to solve problems which is really bad it's like the map reading thing yes maybe can just consider that's a change of the how we leave but when we think about the the tricky situation like we don't have more any more battery in the phone we don't know how to solve the problem so yeah but it's but maybe if the worst change we don't need anymore that's true but yeah anyway also for the remember the thing I'm there we don't really need to remember remember something but I think the capacity capacity of remembering is related to also the concentration like they are so yeah because we don't you as we don't need to remember we're going to concentrate yeah so I like I think maybe for now it's ok but at the end baby you can not really distinguish the machine and the human kiss you just the computer do we will be so bored at some point feel something you said you feel something by all body sore between cyborg and the human very cute stopping and I think we need not to be think buying a ring about the about this because neither is helpful to say that like that the money is it also overdoses not helpful that to say only like we've so everything is great I think that we have to like to sing What also what we want and remember that these are like tools also like and the thing that scares me is that who is behind the design mostly because it's like it creates an environment but it's not neutral or old the most of the Times people don't are involved in the design making and what the like it's not like their needs are addressed I remember when I was like it wasn't for me when I was in 12 years old there was all the things that says like we had the mobile phone then everyone got an Android and it was more like a trend like all these things but then it change things like he wasn't like you had the toys you just follow the trend and you translate all the end in or in the sentences to this