image/svg+xml Quest Card Consider: What would you do? "Multinational ICTcompanies are acting asmoral and hypocrite censors;gender-based online violencein the form of trolling and hateful machoists is harassing feminist or women activists online and offline; the internet has been transformed into a centralised consumption sanctuary; a space of control surveillance, tracking of dissent voices by government agencies among others." ransHackFeminist (THF!) is a gatheringof queer feminist and visionary hackers.The THF! report of 2014 states: THF! 2014 took place at Calafou autonomous collective in Catalonia. The poster of the event appropriates an image by Kenyan artist Wangechi Mutu, and imposes on it text promoting the event: a “transfuturistic cyborg cabaret,” including the words “gender hacking, anti-capitalism,libre culture, anti-racist, anti-sexist”. (Dunbar-Hester, 2020) being a feminist activist under threat, in the current unsafecyber landscape.

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