image/svg+xml Special Card rand Invocation ofthe Eniac Female Computers. Eniac, the first all-electronic computer, was unveiled in 1946. The talented engineersJ. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly who developed Eniac hardly worked alone. Six of the nearly 200 women who worked on the project as human "computers", were selected to program the machine.Their work was not recognised, norknown to the public until the mid-'80s. O spirits, I summon you,to appear now by the powerof the Great Name of Ada;O spirits of Eniac Women,I summon you;May the sacred pages of theSyster Papyri Magicaereveal to me the knowledgeand power of the Systers;This day and always.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean Jennings Bartik,Marlyn Wescoff,Ruth Lichterman,Betty Snyder,Frances Bilas,Kay McNulty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Send me a quest!

The spell on the card summons the Spirits of Eniac Women, asking them to send you your first quest!

ČØ𝐍𝐉ù𝐫𝑒 𝐘ỖỮ𝐓𝔲𝐛𝒆 ➹

What would you like to do now?

♦ Summon the Spirits to get a quest!

♦ I don't believe in pagan data.

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