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Field art, technology
Scope offline
Source https://v2.nl/organization/governance

Editor's Note

The Cultural Diversity Code is an initiative from the Dutch cultural sector to support the organisations and staff of cultural institutions which receive public funding. The English version of the Code Culturele Diversiteit refers to the Code as a collection of rules or guidelines relating to behaviour. For that reason, I understand it as a document in very close proximity to a Code of Conduct, and so, important to mention in this project.

Governance, Cultural Diversity and Fair Practice

V2_ adheres to the Cultural Governance Code, the Code Cultural Diversity, and the Fair Practice Code.


In 2009, the Cultural Governance Code was the occasion for V2_ to transition to a supervisory board model. V2_'s articles of association and regulations are based on the Code Cultural Governance, as does the self-evaluation protocol drawn up in 2011 for its Supervisory Board.

Cultural Diversity

Because of V2_'s international and multidisciplinary position, its internal organisation and its public are characterised by a high cultural diversity. V2_ also regularly develops activities aimed specifically at making the cultural diversity within the field of art and technology visible. In addition to this ongoing attention to diversity in V2_'s programme, the Code Cultural Diversity has led to the setting of new goals and actions with regard to diversity among its permanent staff.

Fair Practice Code

V2_ is a member of Kunsten '92 and De Zaak Nu, which stand up for the interests of organisations in art, culture and heritage and aim to strengthen the labour market position of artists and workers in the creative sector. Within V2_, the Fair Practice Code is therefore taken as the starting point for rewarding artists and designers for their work at or with V2_, as well as for the employment conditions of its permanent staff.