This example is about links and images.
Being a collection of files into folders a website is found with a URL "uniform resource locator".
There are 3 types of url.
Absolute links are the most detailed way you can refer to a web resource
"scheme" + "domain" name + "path" of the target web page.
Usually absolute links point to a different website.
https://devdocs.ioRelative links point to another file in your website from the point of where you are writing the link.
It is implied that scheme and domain name are the same as the current page, so you only need to specify the path.
misc/extras.htmlThis works when referring files in the same folder or in a deeper folder,
but when dealing with pages that are in a directory above we need to use the .. synthax, these two consecutive dots, in the context of a file path, point at the parent directory.
This is like saying "go up a level and look for this file".
"../" means go up one level, so you can say for example "../../" to go up to levels but don't abuse it.
Root relative links are relative to the root of the whole website, since these tutorials use local HTML files instead of a website hosted on a web server, we cannot experiment with real root-relative linking.
But in computing in general "/" indicates the root
Root relative links avoid the potential confusion of deep relative linking, but they are still not as explicit and long as the absolute ones.
the "a" element also accepts an attribute named target, it is used to define where to display the page when the user click on links.
By default most browsers replace the current page with the new one.
A couple of extra finishing touches: a web page default language is defined by the lang attribute of the top html element.
For english instert lang = 'en', if you're not sure which country code your language is check this page:
A "character set" is kind of a digital alphabet for the browser. It is different from the language of your page in that it affects how the letters are rendered, not the language of the content.
Head over to the misc page to check that out.