This page is about miscellaneous HTML things
These are parent links to other pages.
You can use UTF-8 to count in Turkish:
The default character set does not accomodate special characters. TO fix this, you can specify a UTF-8 character encoding by adding a meta element with a charset attribute to the head of the document.
UTF-8 is like the universal alphabet for the Internet. Every web page you create should have this line in its head.
An "HTML entity" is a special character that cannot be represented in a document, basically because that character is reserved for the HTML synthax, another example is a char which does not have a correspondant key on your keyboard.
< > & are reserved chars (use the inspector to look at how you can escape HTML syntax).
Entities always begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). In between you put special code that your browser interpets as a symbol. In this case lt, gt, amp
as less/than, greater-than, and ampersand symbols, respectively
There's a lot of HTML entities, to check them out look here