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Field technology, art
Scope online, offline
Source https://wiki.hsbxl.be/Patterns

Hackerspace Brussels


These patterns (formerly known as rules) give you an idea how you should behave at HSB, please read along & try to implement them.


  • There are no passengers on this ship, only crew members.
  • We are explorers, no pirates.
  • Upon leaving the ship, clean your spot, and the spot next to you.
  • Drinks are in the fridge, they are cool, cheap and help us stay afloat.
  • Respect fellow members, their privacy and hardware.
  • Communication generally works better than conflict.
  • The guy/girl mopping the deck deserves more respect than the non-existing captain.


  • Sharing is good, share your knowledge, creativity, hardware and code.
  • Respect is not enforced, it is earned.
  • Parrots have no original thoughts. Think, don’t be a parrot.
  • Truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Most issues aren’t binary anyway. Requantize.
  • Last but foremost: Be excellent to eachother.

We accept patches

In real-life, as with code, all is dynamic and up to change-- don't complain, make the change.

Yes, you can

Any member wanting to work on a project, making use of infrastructure of the HSBxl, can assume a YES, GREAT (unless the project is (bio-)hazardous, damaging the infrastructure, or bluntly illegal under Belgian law).

28 days later

Objects can be tagged with post-it papers, denoting the date of last_use -- any object not used for 28 days can, and probably, will be removed, destructed, harvested for components or given away (discussed and decided upon during techtue meeting) -- the same counts for projects: we evaluate after 28 days if they are worthwhile to maintain.

Elemental axiom

Talking is silver, silence is gold, getting off your lazy butt and doing is rare earth!

Don't panic

As it gets you around in the universe, guess it also counts in our space.