Talk:Chapter Outline

From Fabulous Loop de Loop

there are (perhaps unhelpfully) more detailed notes in the pad on these pages - it seemed easier to go back and forth between them than to and from the discussion. here I'm trying to use the linking capability of the (not sure how well I'm using it...)

Steve: I write: "traditional notion of feedback loops, which has its origins in engineering (as performed by Ktesibios’ water clock or Watt’s steam engine) was bound to the modern concept of information'... is this not clear?


The two disciplines of what? engineering and..? the concept of information?

Steve: I write: "traditional notion of feedback loops, which has its origins in engineering (as performed by Ktesibios’ water clock or Watt’s steam engine) was bound to the modern concept of information'... is this not clear?

Sol but what are the two disciplines you reference in the following paragraph? engineering and informatics?


From Schizmogenesis to Feedback I think as G. Bateson is introduced already earlier you could (perhaps, unless I am misunderstanding things) introduce the term schizmogenesis there - as here is is a bit confusing to go in as though the reader has read this term already. 'Gregory Bateson was able to reformulate his earlier theory of schismogenesis' if it fits in the introduction of Vibrations just as a term then perhaps its worth dropping in there? Thanks :-)


Lacan Builds a Circuit this is a bit confusing and I'm not sure how to reformat it - the three elements are presented in a way that is both overlapping and... sort of ambiguously repetitive of Lacan (as speaker). I'm going to try and reformulate but I'm not entirely sure what the core differences are, so I am putting a not to RETURN TO THIS AFTER READING THE CHAPTER

also - trying to change lacans three points just emerging to a more active position.

also - "share a lot in common" is, I think, a tautology, so I changed to have a lot in common (COME BACK TO THIS SOL _SHOULD THAT BE PAST TENSE? IN FACT SHOULD THIS WHOLE SECTION BE REGULARISED INTO PAST OR PRESENT TENSE?


lacan and bateson SOUGHT to do something. it seems that Bateson directly dismisses freud, not sought to, should this be direct? S: YES!


Lacan Builds a Circuit this whole chapter heading is a bit convoluted and confusing. RETURN TO THIS AFTER KATE HAS WORKED ON THE LACAN CHAPTER AND WORK IT OUT SOL

6) Why “The Map is NOT the Territory I'm not sure if this should be single or plural distortions. I have kept it plural and change was to were....


Time-Binding and Time-Scrambling in line with lacan and Bateson... for who? for burrows? RETURN TO THIS



Double Bind to Video Therap

earlier in this page you use (a) (b) (c) for listing. from here on you use 1.2.3. I am changing it to the a,b,c model from earlier. also I think its clearer to make this independent points without a conjectural 'and' so I am going to go back through these and standardise as lists not as sentences with numbers in (i.e. take out the "(a) xxxx, and (b) xxxx"

Steve: top banana!

9) Central to my narration of cybernetics is a reassessment of how change and adaptation occur across a wide variety of disciplines such as physics, biology, evolution and ecology. This re-evaluation also reached deep into the social sciences and the humanities, making claims on the discourses of anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and sociology. here I have changed tense and made some minor edit to focus on YOUR reevaluation happy for you to change back, it was a bit confusing.


From Schizmogenesis to Feedback now that you added the definition of Schismogenesis (thank you!) I note that the spelling changes. I am going to come back to this after checking with you. you also use both spellings in ther chapter. want to check that this is to be changed or not. MAKING THIS EDIT HAS BROKEN THE LINKS _ CHAPTER PAGE NEEDS RE_TITLING AND MENU ETC NEEDS CHECKING - PRESUMABLY THIS WILL AUOT UPDATE IF THE ADDRESS NAME IS CHANGED - YES TO THE S