Welcome to Low-Tech Chronicles -._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._, Issue #1: Ephermal Encodings is out now!``-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,Welcome to Low-Tech Chronicles -._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._, Issue #1: Ephermal Encodings is out now!``-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,Welcome to Low-Tech Chronicles -._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._, Issue #1: Ephermal Encodings is out now!``-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,Welcome to Low-Tech Chronicles -._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._, Issue #1: Ephermal Encodings is out now!``-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,'"`-._,-'"`-._,

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is an


mental publication series that focuses on


-activating so-called


ete tech




Each issue embeds possibly for


media standards and


ques into today's


media environments so as to collec



think their


and new potential.

by taking deep dives ▒▒▒░░░░░░░

While there is a pressure to constantly adopt


, fast, and




-the-art high-tech


, this series proposes


tead to engage with


er, more unstable and forgot





🯁🯂🯃 Read more about the series

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              | ▓▓▓▓▓▓ welcome! ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓| |       ▚ deep ▚       
              | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ desktop ▓▓▓▓▓| |        ▚ down ▚     
              | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ only ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓| |           
              | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓| |              ▚ low- ▚  
              | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓| |               ▚ tech ▚
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|[]https://www.low-tech-chronicles.net                        [X]||"|░
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| >> Here's is an obsolete technology...                          | |░
| >> – How can we utilize it?                                     | |░
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to wherever you want to go ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒




For each issue, a questionably obsolete technique / framework is picked around a central theme. By using the techniques and methods to explore the theme, the content is being produced. This results in a publication that experiments with its own format. The outcome is never quite determined in advance. ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒


For every edition, people connected to the theme are invited to share stories, their perspective and experiences with the topic. Through collective experimentation, research and sharing, LOW-TECH CHRONICLES also intends to become a community. █████▒▒▒▒▒



This hybrid 'in-between-formats' publication consists of mixed media content. This will vary from one issue to another, from audio content, to images, texts, software, schematics, etc. Additionally, a DIY/DIWO workshop guideline will be provided for every issue. Whenever possible we will publish the resources, code, sources, links and repositories used so they can be further appropriated, used and misused. >> Read more █████████▒

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LOW-TECH CHRONICLES is an independent publishing practice, it aims to create small networks by involving others. and by sharing their stories. LOW-TECH CHRONICLES is rooted in DIY-culture, it does not commemorate or exhibit nostalgia, it actively engages with technology by picking it up and utilizing it. LOW-TECH CHRONICLES advocates a hands-on approach, it directly uses and questions the materiality of media, formats and tools so as to reveal the inner potential and context of so-called obsolete technology.

(Digital) Technologies and methods quickly developed over time. Devices, systems and techniques often had a short lifespan IC you! and were often discarded before their full potential could be explored. However, many methods and standards that we use today derive from their 'low-tech predecessors'. Pi


Topic description:

How can sound contribute to restoring our relationship with the material world of computation now that (operational) sounds are disappearing?

The publication consists of 2 readers and an audio cassette. The first part is a collection of stories and anecdotes by 18 contributors. For this part,each contributor was invited to share a vivid memory or almost-forgotten experience on how sound connected them to the material world of computation and digital networking. To enrich their stories, each contributor provided a piece of audio and an (modulated) image with their text. The second part is a thesis that discusses the topic of the (disappearing) sound of computer activity more in-depth. The issue explores the theme by experimenting with the material properties of the contents itself.


Aymeric Mansoux, Claire Kwong, Dennis de Bel, Sarah Grant, Dustin Long, Florian Cramer, Goto 80, Danny Wolfers, Hans Kulk, joak, Raquel Meyers, Tijs Ham, UTZ, Zach Mandeville, Olli Aarni, Patrick Lichty, Mariëtte Groot, Sebastian Tomczak and Mark van den Heuvel.

🯁🯂🯃 Read more about this issue


screen screen

'"`-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-Here's is an obsolete technology... How can we utilize it?'"`-._,--._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-'"

║▓▒░░ GUESTBOOK ░░▒▓║

Technologies constantly evolve over time. No matter how intensely used or widely adopted, eventually they will always get caught up by their own successors to be replaced with newer versions of itself. As a result devices, systems, tools, and techniques have an inescapable short lifespan. They will always be discarded before reaching their full potential even though they belong to the same lineage. Behind a high-tech, there is always a low-tech. Just because something has been categorized as 'obsolete' by market-driven developments doesn't mean it has lost its relevance.

Most of today's technologies seem highly mysterious and forbiddingly complex to many. Even magical as their inner workings are increasingly skilfully hidden. However, there is nothing magical about constantly building on existing technology to initiate new usage and paradigms. What appears like magic is in fact alienation as we keep on getting further away from a more relatable underlying apparatus. Working with older technology brings us back closer to its understanding and its basic principles. When its magic disappears, its potential for appropriation increases.

By deconstructing apparently obsolete techniques and embedding them into modern contexts, their potential can be further amplified. Here is where LOW-TECH CHRONICLES situates itself. The goal is not only to keep such techniques alive, but to provide an insight in how things can be done differently which contributes to how we critically engage with technology.

Over the years, 'low-tech' itself has become an unstable definition. In the context of this series, low-tech is the counterpart to the high-tech; the paradigm of always looking forward to the next big thing.

Concretely, the series intend to focus on 80s and 90s computer technology and consumer electronics. We are particularly fond of music production done with old sound chips, software art on flexi-disks, data sonification and modulation done for obscure purposes, dot matrix printing orchestras, endlessly dissecting obsolete media formats, communicating via unstable telecommunications system, glorious ASCII-art, etc. We also may have lost ourselves in the media archeologies of Telematic Art, Mail art, DIY-publishing, Bulletin Boards, zine culture, Aspen Magazine, sneaker-nets, diskmags, etc.

screen Film still from 'THE FUTURE IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE', a film by Mika Taanila about Erkki Kurenniemi (2012)
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WHERE AM I--------------------------------------------------------


You are currently visiting the Raspberry Pi in my house. It functions as a webserver and can only be accesed when it's powered. Imagine the sound of the fan while you make yourself at home. (Please don't break anything.)


Unscii by Viznut
Terminal by Raphaël Bastide & Jérémy Landes
Anthony by Sun Young Oh
Courier Prime

WORKSHOP FORMAT---------------------------------------------------

Added soon !

INDEX> What can I find here?-------------------------------------

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house@neko:~ $/HOME/
   ├─ Issues
   │ └─ #1)Ephemeral∿Encodings
   │   ├─Add story
   │   └─Modulate image
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Info, question, inquiries, etc:
vandenheuvelmark (at) gmail (dot) com