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Processes of computer activity such as loading, storing and networking used to make certain kinds of sound. Due to technological developments, this is currently evolving into silence. The mechanical sounds from the fan might be one of the last sonic traces left to connect us to the material world of computation.


This FIRST issue revolves around the topic of how sound can play a role in the perception of the material properties of computation as the latter is often perceived as 'immaterial'.

The publication consists of 2 readers and an audio cassette. The first part is a collection of stories and anecdotes by 18 contributors. For this part, each contributor was invited to share a vivid memory or almost-forgotten experience of how sound connected them to the material world of computation and digital networking. To enrich their stories, each contributor provided a piece of audio and a (modulated) image with their text. The second part is a thesis that discusses the topic of the disappearing sound of computer activity more in-depth.

The issue explores the theme by experimenting with the material properties of the contents itself. The tools and resources created and used for this issue are shared on the publication's website. Additionally, it is possible to contribute by adding a story and modulating an image.


How can sound contribute to restoring our relationship with the material world of computation now that (operational) sounds are disappearing?


Reader (print), collection of stories (print), audio and images (cassette tape)

 __________    __________
|          || |โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘||
|   EPHEM  || |โ–‘CLICKS,โ–‘โ–‘||
|     ERAL || |โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘BEEPSโ–‘||
|  ENCOD   || |โ–‘BUZZESโ–‘&โ–‘||
| INGS     || |โ–‘ORCHEโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘|| 
|          || |โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘STRAS|| 
|__________|| |โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘||
|  stories || |  reader  ||
|__________|| |__________||

  | o_o |

cassette tape




How can sound contribute to restoring our relationship with the material world of computation now that (operational) sounds are disappearing?
About this Issue

For this issue, SSTV, (or Slow Scan Television) an *obsolete* method for modulating images into audio frequencies, is explored. Originally, it was invented to transmit images as data over radio. An SSTV signal consists of a rapid sequence of audio tones having variable pitch. The sound holds the information of what colour where to place, line by line. With sonification as a side result, it becomes possible to listen in on the data transmission process.

In this issue, the SSTV-encoded pictures are recorded onto the audio cassette next to the audio contributions. The images can be slowly generated when decoding the audio signal in real-time.

In short, Slow-scan television (SSTV) is a picture transmission method to transmit and receive static pictures via radio. It was originally invented as an analog method in the late 60's. It became accessible to the public in the early 90s when the custom radio equipment was replaced by PC software. SSTV is still used by the amateur radio communities all around the world for non-commercial exchange of messages and wireless experimentation.

SSTV was also used to send the first video images back to earth from the Apollo 11 moon mission. As a narrow band mode, it could be used on the same communication methods available as for voice channels. Through this tradition, the International Space Station (ISS) has a long history of transmitting SSTV pictures for global events.




Slow Scan TV (SSTV) โ€“ How it works
SSTV Handbook

SSTV uses analog frequency modulation, in which every different value of brightness in the image gets a different audio frequency. In other words, the signal frequency shifts up or down to designate brighter or darker pixels, respectively. Color is achieved by sending the brightness of each color component (usually red, green and blue) separately. SSTV has a variety of modes depending on image resolution, bandwidth, synchronisation method, etc. The transmission time can take from 8 seconds up to 2 minutes. (Source)

Paris Sources:
Slow Scan TV (SSTV) โ€“ How it works
SSTV signals
SSTV Handbook

SSTV was also used in Telematic Art: a descriptive art projects using (existing) computer-mediated telecommunications networks as their medium. This formed the basis for pre-internet networking. Here, sending, receiving information as an art form. Interestingly, in Telematic Art, engineers and artist worked together: "Here's the technology... What can we do with it?"

In The world in 24h, an event that is considered to be the first 'online' conference before digital revolution, artistย Robert Adrian X explores how networks could function as as cultural and social space where people meet and communicate. The focus is not only on what art is distributed or about the technology, but bringing people together. It was open to any discipline. SSTV was used extensively in contributions by Bill Bartlett among others. The world in 24h reflected Adrianโ€™s early insight that the network is not an artistic medium in the traditional sense. Rather, networked art would be defined by exchangeโ€”โ€œtaking place in the space between machines, only when the machines were on.โ€

Ars Electronica History Day: Telecommunication Art

Low-tech networking?

We use wireless networks to send and receive data practically every day. Even when we are not aware. It's this fuzzy* thing we rely on to cater to our networked communication needs. As longs as it works, it's fine. But when it doesn't, we are confronted with the sole material limitations of our shiny devices.

When these technologies were not around, people used inventive methods such as SSTV for sending images over radio and phone lines.Data modulation had a lot of potential to build upon. Although it was slow, it seemed more tangible. The material characteristics were more present. It was less mysterious since you could hear the process of data transmission.

Although obsolete, these methods formed the basis for modern networking as dail-up modems also used the technique of data modulation. Here, modems (short for modulator/demodulator) allowed a computer to send and receive information over telephone lines. When sending a signal, the device converts ("modulates") digital data to an analog audio signal, and transmits it over a telephone line. It can thus be seen as the predecessor of modern networking technologies. With the introduction of ADSL lines and later WI-FT (Wi-Fi?), the audible traces of networking activity got lost as the signals silently float trough the air.

Wireless networking uses radio frequency signals instead of wires to connect devices. To send and receive data, extremely high-frequency (inaudible) sound waves are being exchanged between devices. A program is used to decode to signals into data into bits, producing a difference in voltage. Speaking about this ethereal property of electronic media and communication, this virtual state is deconstructed as follows: โ€˜by annihilating space and time, it allows humankind to escape physical limitations. The power and ubiquity of electricity are metaphorically attached to a newly disembodied consciousnessโ€™ (Rosenheim 1997, 93)

In digital networking, the bits can be transmitted by being converted to electric voltages or radio waves that โ€˜travel over physical mediaโ€”whether air, copper wire or fibre opticโ€”each bringing different characteristics to the job, with regard to susceptibility to interference, dissipation, capacity, and costโ€™ (Blanchette 2011, 1051). Bits are travelling through electronic circuits in silicon chips, moving through wires and lines in the ground, under the sea, entering giant energy guzzling server parks, satellites, routers, connecting our computers and phones. Far from hanging in a fluffy place we call the cloud, seeming unrelated to political economic issues that are related to this such as cable infrastructure, the geographic localisation of data storage centers and the national laws that govern data management.

In Cybernetic theory, this physical limitation of electronic systems was noted to have influence on the communication process of sending and receiving information. Results from material flaws such as noise, signal distortion error and entropy caused by malfunctioning components from the circuits of the equipment or interference. Feedback loops, used for detecting and correcting these errors and disruptions in communication computers were eventually used to automatically erase the defects (Blanchette, 2011, 1047). By automatically detecting errors in a certain system and correcting them, the physical provenance of these flaws is not exposed. Hence, the immaterial illusion these communication systems hold, caused by feedback routines that protect the integrity of the signal against degradation. (Kirschenbaum, 2008)

This is still the case in wireless networking and telecommunications today. Programs, systems and other devices now even better auto-erase the defects that would reveal material traces of the system. Yet we improve and add objects to the concatenation to consolidate and enhance the network: smart signal boosters, MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) antennas, the routers we access, eventually to connect us to the data centers via lines under land and sea.


SSTV is a method to modulate images into sound. To try it, you need something to decode the signal. First, download the *free* Robot36 on your phone (Android only). Open the app, hold your phone close to the speaker while playing the sound below.


Try it:

Or the HQ version:

Modulate an image:

โ–คโ–คโ–คโ–คโ–คโ–ค HERE โ–คโ–คโ–คโ–คโ–คโ–ค

How can networking be done differently? What methods are there to explore? How can we become aware of the data-signal floating all around us? How can we materialize this? What role can sound play in this? How do others relate to this topic? How can we share these stories with this topic in mind? Can we just send signals by mail? What pre-internet methods of networking and data modulation were used?
Aymeric Mansoux, Claire Kwong, Dennis de Bel, Sarah Grant, Dustin Long, Florian Cramer, Goto 80, Danny Wolfers, Hans Kulk, joak, Raquel Meyers, Tijs Ham, UTZ, Zach Mandeville, Olli Aarni, Patrick Lichty, Mariรซtte Groot, Sebastian Tomczak and Mark van den Heuvel.

When I was writing my thesis about the sound of computer and networking activity and how it impacted me, all kinds of anecdotes popped into my head. When I shared them with others, many folks started to respond on the topic immediately. Sharing these experiences and perspectives from people with various backgrounds seemed to be the perfect way to point out a certain transition in time we might not even be aware of.

Casette tape contents and index of stories:

SIDE A: Ephemeral Encodings
A01: Sebastian Tomczak - Family Home Computing
A02: Dennis de Bel - Rumbling clouds
A03: Aymeric Mansoux - Audio leakage in the age of soggy cheesecakes
A04: Mariรซtte Groot - Dream Machine
A05: Dustin Long - Ghost Sounds
A06: Florian Cramer - COIL WHINE
A07: Danny Wolfers - The lost magic noise of computer artefacts
A08: joak - 2021-05-31
A09: Zach Mandeville - AOL Instant Messenger Open Door Sound
A10: Goto 80 - Drooling dog
A11: Tijs Ham - Static Code
A12: Claire Kwong - Projector Hum
A13: Hans Kulk - The Analogue Computer
A14: Olli Aarni - Auditory brushes
A15: Patrick Lichty - Vicapore/Duntoria
A16: Sarah Grant - *Diss-connected*
A17: Raquel Meyers - Keys of Fury
A18: UTZ - Beep to Boot

SIDE B: Clicks, Beeps, Buzzes, & Orchestras
B01: Anecdote#1 - Bodily Sonification
B02: Anecdote#2 - Memoires of an 8-bit Bootlegger
B03: Anecdote#3 - The Violent Sound of Networking
B04: Anecdote#4 - A Fanboy
B05: Anecdote#5 - Accessing the Internet by Means of Brute Force
B06: Anecdote#6 - The Silent Threat
B07: Anecdote#7 - A Deep Sigh from Within

###: 18 Minutes of Ambient Computer Sounds      


screen screen

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  //=/.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\=\\ ))  -' '-' '-' '-' 


>>> Contribute by adding a story!

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