_                 _               _    _    _    _
 ___  ___  _   _ _ __ | |__   ___   __ _| |_          __|_|__|_|__|_|__|_|___
/ __|/ _ \| | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | __|       _|_(=^x^=)__ʕʘ‿ʘʔ___(・Д・)_|______
\__ \ (_) | |_| | |_) | |_) | (_) | (_| | |_       |o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o  /    
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chae (lab), cara (lab), gi (lab), ohjian (lab), alnik (lab), supi (lab), flem (lab), carmen (lab), grgr (lab), kamo (lab), mirischoeb (lab), mitsa (lab), kimberley (lab) , murtaugh (lab), manetta (lab), cristina (lab), lídia (lab), shared (lab), joak(haha) (lab) femke (lab)

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🏓 PADliography (wip) 🡥

Counter Cloud Action - 12 October
🗞️☕🥐 the Breakfast Club TBC... 🥞🍳🥣

Special Issues:
SI16 🡥— API
SI17 — Post-it generator 🡥
SI18 — weekly releases' folder
GOTO Issue page --->

Jupiter notebooks:
carrier-bag-of-notebooks 🡥

Other projects and tools:
Documentation Sessions 🡥
Rejection list 🡥
soup-gen 🍜 (wip) 🡥
k-pub 🎤 (wip) 🡥
vlp_data 🡥
Concrete 🎏 Label (wip) 🡥
🧶 Generic Labels (wip) 🡥
BIRTHDAY cards (wip) 🡥
xquisite branch 🡥
exquisite excerpts 🡥
www with constraints 🡥
workbook cms 🡥
Textoscope 🡥
Workinon 🡥
Skimmer 🎵 🡥

GOTO ---> wiki main page

XPUB's infrastructure:
xpub infrastructure tour