Systers Wiki

From SystersWiki
Revision as of 09:31, 9 June 2020 by Estragon (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Systers Wiki!!!

This Wiki is a growing, editable collection that aims to document incidents of sexism and gender exclusions in male-dominated tech and hacker culture, as well as various feminist practices that respond to these issues.
The stories that are gathered here, have happened in various contexts, including the tech industry, academia, social media, gaming, hacker communities, FLOSS groups and more.

This project intends to collectively document, discuss and activate the experiences, practices and methods from past and present feminist hackers and womxn in tech. If you wish to contribute to this collection, join the effort of adding incidents you have experienced, or you are aware of, feminist responses to such incidents, or other special related material, such as photos, audio, artworks!

Playful navigation of this archive can be found here ~