Ondes Sauvages, Futurotopies Feministes

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"Ondes Sauvages, Futurotopies Féministes was a workshop organised at Bandits-Mages (Bourges) in 2018, with the (h)ac(k)tivist SpiderAlex.

During this five days workshop, 18 participants gathered to reclaim their relationships with techniques and technologies, to subvert these techniques, to blur genders and blow up codes and rules: to interlock emerging worlds with appealing futures. Together they created tales and speculative fabulations that focused on changing the world. They experimented at the crossroad of cyberfeminism and ecofeminism and developed a method of collective writing and making music.

The restitution of the workshop was a radio show where half of the group was busy writing texts online, while the other half interpreted those texts with their voices and sounds. The texts were projected on a wall for the audience to see and hear the interpretation at the same time."

Source----> https://www.raadiocaargo.com/futurotopiesfeministes

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